The Power of a Mid-Year Goal Review

Happy July 1st! Welcome to the official midway point of the year! Can you believe that 2024 is already halfway over? July is the perfect time to take a brief step back and re-evaluate our progress on quarterly goals and our word for the year.

For 2024, my word of the year is "SIMPLIFY." However, this year hasn't felt simpler yet. Instead, I've been putting in a lot of work to develop new systems, patterns, and routines that will eventually simplify my personal life, finances, and business. This is not quite what I thought "SIMPLIFY" would mean in 2024, but I see the long-term benefits taking shape. How about you?

In regard to my goals, I love to use July as a mid-year check-up. You can do the same in a few easy steps!

Steps for a Mid-Year Goal Review

  1. List Your Accomplishments: Make a list of all your accomplishments, both big and small, over the first six months of the year. Seeing these items listed out is a great reminder of all that we've achieved since January. Celebrate these WINS!

  2. Evaluate Ongoing Goals: Make a list of any ongoing goals that you are currently working on or that you would like to focus on during the second half of the year. How are these goals progressing? Are you making progress, or do you feel stuck? What steps do you need to take to address any issues and get back on track?

  3. Focus Your Energy: Select one goal to throw the bulk of your energy into. What specific steps can you take to reach that goal? Write out these steps.

  4. Review Your Word of the Year: Is your word of the year still serving you? Great! Keep utilizing it for the remainder of the year. If you feel ready for a new word for the second half of the year, pick one!

If you need help or structure in this goal-setting process, please grab my FREE Goal Setting Planner on our website. It's the same one I use to monitor my goals on a weekly and quarterly basis. 

As you conduct this mid-year personal review, I would love to hear your lists, successes, goals, and word choices. I'm excited to celebrate and encourage you as we enter the last half of 2024.

Talk soon,
